


what more can i say? when the person I loved most turned me down. i was just being honest because i thought you needed to hear the truth. I didn’t think you’d reacted that way, I should have lied till the end, to keep US together.


whatever you call it.

that’s LOVE…

let the pain remain

Love comes, love goes
But a certain feeling never lets me be
Somehow I know
Quite a part of me's unchanged since you've been gone
Like a sturdy tree that's seen a thousand seasons
I still shed my leaves in winter
To grow them back in spring
To welcome life again
To welcome you

So goes my life
Still believing dreams of having you around
Too bad, memories
Feed the mind and not the heart where I want you to be
So I ask myself what you have left behind for me
To go on each day to live as if
I had you once again
What else is there that's real
But all the pain that I feel?

So let the pain remain forever in my heart
For every throb it brings is
One more moment spent with you
I'll let the pain bring on the rain
If that's the only way
If there's no other way to be with you again

So goes my life
Still believing dreams of having you around
Too bad, memories
Feed the mind and not the heart where I want you to be
So I ask myself what you have left behind for me
To go on each day to live as if
I had you once again
What else is there that's real
But all the pain that I feel?

So let the pain remain forever in my heart
For every throb it brings is
One more moment spent with you
I'll let the pain bring on the rain
If that's the only way
If there's no other way to be with you again

Oooh...so let the pain remain forever in my heart
For every throb it brings is
One more moment spent with you
I'll let the pain bring on the rain
If that's the only way (if that's the only way)
If there's no other way to be with you again


the place

BO'S COFFEE SHOP OsmeƱa blvd, Cebu City 6000,

i would never forget this place

i gained enough courage to tell you everything.
how i felt for you.
only to find out reality -
that you and i can never be "WE"...

devastated vs. doomed

u wrote:

And I thought we were friends. no...like brothers

Neither I was ready to hear that from
you nor will ever be prepared... I'm

I don't think I'll be able to accept it
but I think it's best to stay away for a

I'm devastated!

i replied:

NevEr dId I exPect it'll EnD ThIs Way.
i HavE aLwayS beEn HoPeful ThAt ThinGs
wOUld EnD uP ThE Way It Used tO be,
bUt ItS ThE oTheR WaY AroUnd...

I aM SoRrY.

My ViSit tO CeBu HaD Paid OfF. JusT
waNt to EnD mY ConfusiOn. NoW
EverYthinGs CleAr. HOpe U'd FoRgiVe mE

i TRuST YoU aNd hoPe EveRy tHinGs
gOiN' To bE AlrIghT SooNeR...

i'm DooMeD!!



You Are Spider-Man

Quick and agile, you have killer instincts (literally).
And that kind of makes up for the whole creepy spider thing.


the twin

You are 100% Gemini