
devastated vs. doomed

u wrote:

And I thought we were friends. no...like brothers

Neither I was ready to hear that from
you nor will ever be prepared... I'm

I don't think I'll be able to accept it
but I think it's best to stay away for a

I'm devastated!

i replied:

NevEr dId I exPect it'll EnD ThIs Way.
i HavE aLwayS beEn HoPeful ThAt ThinGs
wOUld EnD uP ThE Way It Used tO be,
bUt ItS ThE oTheR WaY AroUnd...

I aM SoRrY.

My ViSit tO CeBu HaD Paid OfF. JusT
waNt to EnD mY ConfusiOn. NoW
EverYthinGs CleAr. HOpe U'd FoRgiVe mE

i TRuST YoU aNd hoPe EveRy tHinGs
gOiN' To bE AlrIghT SooNeR...

i'm DooMeD!!

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